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Last reviews

Alexandra STADLER noted

Adresse à connaître! Tres bon accueil et plats excellents. Qualite au top. Il y avait pas mal de monde pour un "petit" restaurant et visiblement une clientèle d'habitués... ce qui est bon signe TRES BONNE EXPERIENCE. 100% SATISFAITE (Translated by Google) Address to know! Very warm welcome and excellent food. Top quality. There were quite a few people for a "small" restaurant and obviously a regular clientele... which is a good sign VERY GOOD EXPERIENCE. 100% SATISFIED

Elodie noted

Incroyable cette adresse, c’est un délice ! Produit frais fait maison 🥰 (Translated by Google) This address is incredible, it’s a delight! Fresh homemade product 🥰

siting pu noted

C’est un très bon restaurant ! (Translated by Google) It’s a very good restaurant!

Opening hours

  • Mon: Closed
  • Tue - Sun : 12h-15h, 18h30-22h30
  • Opens at 12:00

Special hours

  • 29/07/2024 : 12h-15h, 18h30-22h30

Legal Terms

108 Rue Olivier de Serres
75015 Paris, France

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