
Average score 505 Reviews
Alexandra STADLER noted on Google

Adresse à connaître! Tres bon accueil et plats excellents. Qualite au top. Il y avait pas mal de monde pour un "petit" restaurant et visiblement une clientèle d'habitués... ce qui est bon signe TRES BONNE EXPERIENCE. 100% SATISFAITE (Translated by Google) Address to know! Very warm welcome and excellent food. Top quality. There were quite a few people for a "small" restaurant and obviously a regular clientele... which is a good sign VERY GOOD EXPERIENCE. 100% SATISFIED

1 day ago
Elodie noted on Google

Incroyable cette adresse, c’est un délice ! Produit frais fait maison 🥰 (Translated by Google) This address is incredible, it’s a delight! Fresh homemade product 🥰

3 days ago
siting pu noted on Google

C’est un très bon restaurant ! (Translated by Google) It’s a very good restaurant!

1 month ago
Xiaona LIU noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The Guobao Pork is super delicious~The boss is also very nice~ (Original) 锅包肉超级好吃~老板人也很好~

1 month ago
Yao Sun noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Guobao Pork is really delicious! ! The five of us finished one plate and then added another! The sauce for the big pulled rice noodles is also very delicious! The spicy chicken has been improved, the chicken is very marinated and even the peanuts are very fragrant! Recommended! (Original) 锅包肉真的太好吃了!!我们五个人吃完一盘又加一盘!大拉皮也是拌的酱汁很入味!辣子鸡有改良,鸡肉腌的很入味,连花生很香!推荐推荐!

1 month ago
Marie F noted on Google

1 month ago
Ryad Karda noted on Google

Tout simplement délicieux et authentique (Translated by Google) Simply delicious and authentic

1 month ago
Timothée Serck noted on Google

2 months ago
Claire Richards noted on Google

Cuisine chinoise maison excellente et authentique (Translated by Google) Excellent and authentic homemade Chinese cuisine

2 months ago
Mohan H. noted on Google

2 months ago

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75015 Paris, France

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