
Average score 505 Reviews
Arnaud Boilot noted on Google

(Translated by Google) This is a very good place for Chinese dumplings (饺子). Sometimes you have to wait a bit when it's full, but it's worth it. Grilled or boiled, you can clearly distinguish the different tastes. Plus, the dough is good! 谢谢你们,很好吃!我再去! (Original) Voilà un très bon endroit pour les raviolis chinois (饺子). Il faut parfois attendre un peu quand c'est plein, mais ça vaut le coup. Grillés ou bouillis, on distingue bien les goûts différents. En plus, la pâte est bonne ! 谢谢你们,很好吃!我再去!

10 months ago
Orcel Ger noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very tasty food in a small restaurant with a nice boss. (Original) Sehr leckeres Essen in einem kleinen Restaurant mit nettem Chef.

10 months ago
Pauline M noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good hearty meal in this Chinese restaurant! We really liked the steamed dumplings and noodles. There is also an interesting formula for the days of the week. (Original) Très bon repas copieux dans ce restaurant chinois! Nous avons beaucoup aimé les raviolis vapeur et les nouilles. Il y a aussi une formule intéressante pour les jours de la semaine.

10 months ago
Michelle Monduc noted on Google

10 months ago
Celly T. noted on Google

10 months ago
angelina waguet noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Quality food, really good. Well served in terms of quantity and really affordable in terms of price. (Original) Repas de qualité, vraiment très bon. Bien servi au niveau quantité et vraiment abordable au niveau prix.

10 months ago
Charlie noted on Google

Don’t let the outside put you off, the dumplings are fantastic and the other dishes are pretty tasty too

11 months ago
zeying sun noted on Google

(Translated by Google) My friend and I made plans in advance because we were watching a concert, and chose this Chinese food, I just want to say! Very tasty! ! Pot-packed meat and boiled beef. My friend and I each ate two bowls of rice! It will still be in my plan for the trip to France in January! (Original) 和我朋友因为看演唱会所以提前做了规划,选择了这家中餐,我只想说!非常好吃!!锅包肉和水煮牛肉我和我朋友每人吃了两碗饭!一月份的法国之行它还是会在我的计划之内!

11 months ago
Thomas Cervantes noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Perfect. I recommend (Original) Parfait. Je recommande

1 year ago
G Meeler noted on Google

1 year ago

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